David Lundmark: X60-X84

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Suicide is associated with shame, guilt, taboo – something we’re reluctant to talk about. 

After a close relative unexpectedly took his life, photographer David Lundmark decided to seek out others who had been affected by suicide – privately or through their professional roles. Partly because he wanted to process his own grief and try to understand what had happened, but also to break the media silence on suicide.

The book includes around forty images and a number of quotes, all unconnected to each other but together forming a collective “we” of chaotic emotions, grief, questions, anger, and observations. David Lundmark wants to show that suicide is a serious social problem – how we all co-exist, and that  every death affects the living in some way.

This is David Lundmark's first book.

40 color images • Editing and design: Gösta Flemming, David Lundmark • Text: David Lundmark • Afterword: Erik Ohlsson • Translation to English: Maria Morris • Soft cover • 150 x 210 mm • 112 pages • Swedish/English • Document: Johan Lindberg • Prepress and printing: Narayana Press • ISBN 978-91-87939-76-1 • 2024

“…a very strong photobook that illuminates one of the most serious social problems of our time. Both the images and the texts are of high quality.” / ”…en mycket stark fotobok som belyser ett av vår tids allvarligaste samhällsproblem. Både bilderna och texterna håller hög kvalitet.”  – Kent Lidman, BTJ (Bibliotekstjänst) / Library Service, Sweden